The class was held July 29 – July 31 2022.  The instructor was Stan Moniz.  He provided a PDf with recommended camera settings well in advance of class.

We stayed at Best Western Frontier in Lone Pine.  Nothing fancy, a perfectly decent chain motel.

The instructor was very good very knowledgeable in detailed techniques of astrophotography, He suggested removing the infrared filter from a Canon for better astrophotography, capturing more of the hydrogen alpha far red.  For regular photography, you just add a visible light filter and your Canon works as a normal camera. The outfit recommended was Spencer’s Camera in Utah.

The first night, Friday, was clear.  We got some excellent photos of the milky way through the Alabama Hills arches:

Second night a storm rolled in.  We took advantage of it to get photos of lightening off in the distance over Death Valley.

(Yes I should have cropped that)

In between, a daytime session on post processing.  It helps if you have a Mac – everyone in any sort of photography seems to rely on Apple products.   Make sure you have all the software installed BEFORE the session.  Get some basic familiarity with it before the class.

Samy’s has many interesting photography classes – see for more.